parsing - clojure csv with escaped comma -

i trying parse csv string in clojure escaped commas , no quote around fields one


i tried libraries:

  • [org.clojure/data.csv "0.1.2"]
  • [cljcsv "1.3.1"]
  • [clojure-csv/clojure-csv "2.0.0-alpha1"]

but none of them seems capable recognize correctly ["test1,test2" "test3"] know library can this?

thanks in advance

you have excellent excuse write own parser :-).
can use instaparse:

update: ok, not resist temptation myself :-)
update 2: allow escaped characters inside quoted strings.

(require '[instaparse.core :as insta])  (def custom-csv   (insta/parser     "file = (line <eol>)* line      line = (field <','>)* field      eol = '\\r'? '\\n'      <field> = plain-field | quoted-field      quoted-field = <'\\\"'> (#'[^\"\\\\]+' | escaped-char)* <'\\\"'>      plain-field = (field-chars | escaped-char)*      <field-chars> = #'[^\\\\\\r\\n,\\\"]+'      escaped-char = #'\\\\.'     "))  (def test-str  "test1\\,test2,test3 te\\s\\\\t4,\"te,st 5\"")  (custom-csv test-str) ; result: ; [:file ;  [:line ;   [:plain-field "test1" [:escaped-char "\\,"] "test2"] ;   [:plain-field "test3"]] ;  [:line ;   [:plain-field "te" [:escaped-char "\\s"] [:escaped-char "\\\\"] "t4"] ;   "te,st\n5"]]  (->> (custom-csv test-str)      (insta/transform        {          :file list          :line vector          :plain-field str          :quoted-field str          :escaped-char second        })) ; result: ; (["test1,test2" "test3"] ["tes\\t4" "te,st\n5"]) 

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