mysql - My sql query some mistake in stored procedure -

delimiter $$  drop procedure if exists `dinv`.`sp_insertcustomer`$$  create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `sp_insertcustomer`(  in vcustid varchar(120),  in vname varchar(16),  in vmobilenumber varchar(120),  in vemail varchar(500),  in vcountry varchar(120),  in vcity varchar(80),  in vzipcode date,  in vaddress varchar(80),  in vremarks date,  in vcreatedby varchar(80),  in vparam varchar(50)  ) begin set @type = vparam; if @type="save"   insert customer(custid,name,mobilenumber,emailid,country,city,zipcode,address,remarks,createdby,createddate) values(vcustid,vname,vmobilenumber,vemail,vcountry,vcity,vzipcode,vaddress,vremarks,vcreatedby,getdate()); else  update  customer set name=vname,mobilenumber=vmobilenumber,emailid=vemail,country=vcountry,city=vcity,zipcode=vzipcode,address=vaddress, remarks=vremarks,modifiedby=vcreatedby,modifieddate=getdate() custid=vcustid; end if; delimiter ; 

error code : 1064 have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near '' @ line 23

hi i'm new mysql , trying write procedure if else condition getting error plz help.. thanks

you don't have end statement terminate begin block.

basically have structure

delimiter $$ -- drop statement create procedure sp_insertcustomer(..parameter list..) begin     set @type = vparam;     if @type = "save"    -- mysql accepts double quotes , single quotes         -- insert statement     else         -- update statememt     end if; end $$       -- <<== lacking part delimiter ; 

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