ios - Change UIBarButton to Red -

i show edit button in red , not save button below

uibarbuttonitem *barbtn = [[uibarbuttonitem alloc] initwithtitle:(_isedit)?  @"save" : @"edit" style:uibarbuttonitemstylebordered target:self action:@selector(togleedit)];  [uibarbuttonitem appearance] settintcolor:[uicolor redcolor]]; 

uibarbuttonitem *barbtn =      [[uibarbuttonitem alloc] initwithtitle: (_isedit) ? @"save" : @"edit"                                       style: uibarbuttonitemstylebordered                                     target: self                                      action: @selector(togleedit)]; if (!_isedit)     [barbtn settintcolor:[uicolor redcolor]]; 

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