c# - Async Controller Action Re-Called after one minute -

i have action on mvc3 async controller processes csv files, async part of follows:

  [handleerror]   [noasynctimeout]   public void uploadasync(int jobid)   {       var timestamp = datetime.now;       log.debug("uploadasync " + timestamp);        var job = _fileuploadservice.getjob(jobid);        log.debug("asyncmanager.outstandingoperations.increment " + timestamp);       asyncmanager.outstandingoperations.increment();        var task = task<job>.factory.startnew(() => {             thread.sleep(90000);       });        task.continuewith(t =>       {          try           {               asyncmanager.parameters["results"] = getjobresultdetails(jobid);           }           //no "catch" block.  "task" takes care of us.                     {               asyncmanager.outstandingoperations.decrement();           }       });   } 

and completed counterpart is:

  public jsonresult uploadcompleted(int jobid)   {       log.debug("uploadcompleted");        try       {           return asyncmanager.parameters.containskey("results")                      ? json(asyncmanager.parameters["results"],                                 jsonrequestbehavior.allowget)                      : json("", jsonrequestbehavior.allowget);       }       catch (exception ex)       {           exceptionhelper.logerror(ex, log, "message");          return json("");       }   } 

this works fine when processjob(job) task takes less minute. after minute, same task kicked off again on separate thread, processing same job 1 running.

is there obvious missing around timeout settings either async controller methods or tasks might cause behaviour?


i swapped call process job thread.sleep minute , half , when looked in log can see uploadasync has still been called twice nothing code processjob executes.

it worth noting happens when deployed integration server , not locally.

could there iis setting needs upping accomodate longer process time?

edit -

uploadasync called ajax:

 $(document).ready(function () {     $("#jobidtoprocess").text(@model.jobidtoprocess);     var jobid = $("#jobidtoprocess").text();      if (jobid.charat(0)) {       process(jobid);     } });  function process(jobid) {     alert("process called");     $.ajax({         type: "get",         url: makeurl('~@string.format("/{0}/{1}", "fileupload", "upload")'                                                            + "/" + jobid),         contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",         datatype: "json",         beforesend: function(xhr) {             $(window).bind('beforeunload', function() {                 xhr.abort();             });         },         traditional: true,         success: function (data) {             var uploadresults = $.parsejson(data);             var completeddate = formatdate(uploadresults[0].completeddate);              $("#completeddate" + jobid).html(completeddate);         }     }); } 

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