c# modify a generic property -

i have viewmodel 2 properties of same type (bool). have function sets 1 of properties bool value. let's have isreadonly property.

public void setreadonly(myviewmodel vm, bool newval) {     vm.isreadonly = newval; } 

now want make more generic, , have function both:

public void setbooleanproperty(myviewmodel vm, bool newval, ?bool? myproperty) {     vm.myproperty = newval; // sure error, myproperty doesn't exist in viewmodel. shows way have.  } 

i started approach:

public void setbooleanproperty<tprop>(myviewmodel vm, bool newval, tprop myproperty) {      vm.??? = newval; } 

i don't use function getpropertybyname("isreadonly") think available somewhere in reflection classes .net. reason: if developer refactors project , renames isreadonly, string wouldn't updated. there solutiuon ?

you're trying use reflection without using reflection. don't think you're going find answer. there no generics against properties in language.

closest thing can think of, awful, pass in action - pretty ridiculous, works. please don't this:

public void performaction(myviewmodel vm, bool newval,     action<myviewmodel, bool> action) {     action(vm, newval); }  performaction(someviewmodel, true, (vm, b) => vm.isreadonly = b); 

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