R - using column name as argument for function inside an apply/colwise function -

i have built function determines bins numeric columns , puts output workspace, i'd able apply whole data.frame either apply or colwise function. difficulty have argument needs hold column's name , i'm unsure how go passing column name argument of function being applied?

there post that's similar , answer seems have worked in specific instance i'm unsure how translate function requires name of column.

thank on this!

code , specifics below

#setup library(caret) library(plyr) data(germancredit) germancredit<-germancredit[,-nearzerovar(germancredit)] predictors.a<-germancredit[,1:8]  #function applied - note part of large of larger function   equalfreqbins.derive<-function(derivedataset,characteristic,targetbins=20, minimum=0,      boundarymargin=5){    stopifnot(is.numeric(targetbins),is.numeric(minimum),is.numeric(boundarymargin))     ifelse( is.numeric(derivedataset[,characteristic]) , {               truebins<-quantile(                 derivedataset[,characteristic],                 seq(0,1,by=(1/targetbins))               )             roundedbins <-round_any(truebins,ifelse(min(truebins)<1,0.01,1),floor)             dedupedbins <-unique(roundedbins)             assign(characteristic,                      as.vector(c(ifelse(min(dedupedbins)<minimum,min(dedupedbins)*boundarymargin,minimum),                           dedupedbins,                           max(dedupedbins)*boundarymargin)) ,              envir=as.environment(".globalenv"))              },           stop(paste(characteristic,"is non-numeric , cannot binned function"))            )   }  #here bit i'm struggling numcolwise(equalfreqbins.derive,targetbins=20, minimum=0,      boundarymargin=5,derivedataset=predictors.a, characteristic=??)(predictors.a) 

without characteristic argument, error

error in `[.data.frame`(derivedataset, , characteristic) :    undefined columns selected 

based on link, tried


but returns , error , assignment ref , purpose of n eludes me

error in fun(x[[1l]], ...) : unused argument(s) (x[[1]]) 

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