python - Test if ValidationError was raised -

i want test if exception raised how can that?

in have function, 1 want test:

  def validate_percent(value):     if not (value >= 0 , value <= 100):       raise validationerror('error') 

in tried this:

def test_validate_percent(self):     self.assertraises(validationerror, validate_percent(1000)) 

the output of test is:

..e ====================================================================== error: test_validate_percent (tm.tests.models.helpers.helperstestcase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- traceback (most recent call last):   file "/", line 21, in test_validate_percent     self.assertraises(validationerror, validate_percent(1000))   file "/", line 25, in validate_percent     raise validationerror(u'error' % value) validationerror: ['error'] 

assertraises used context manager:

def test_validate_percent(self):     self.assertraises(validationerror):         validate_percent(1000) 

or callable:

def test_validate_percent(self):     self.assertraises(validationerror, validate_percent, 1000) 

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