bug in google drive SDK JS api (TypeError: Cannot read property 'sl' of undefined) -

a few weeks ago started noticing strange errors google client api or google drive js api (not sure which, url reference below), have increased in frequency on last few days

 typeerror: cannot read property 'sl' of undefined 

this seems affecting windows chrome - typical example of user agent our error logs

mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64) applewebkit/537.31 (khtml, gecko) chrome/26.0.1410.43 safari/537.31) 

from see, line .sl this:

if(!this.b.headers.authorization){var f=(0,_.hx)(_.p,_.p);f&&f[_.ak.pl.sl]&&(c=f[_.ak.pl.sl].split(/\w+/))} 

this comes


i know intentionally cryptic, it's beyond me suggest how fix it, appreciate if looks frequency seems increasing. perhaps guard around _ak.pl check if it's not null before executing .sl ?

i managed resolve problem reported. issue due authorize settings. settings seems not working app. app works following settings:

gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientid, scope: scopes, immediate: false}, handleauthresult); 

previously app configured run offline.

note: in code, clientid , scopes variables, handleauthresult associated function.

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