ms project - Reverse dependency in MSProject (Start-Finish) in 3-task-scenario not understood -

i'm kind of experienced msproject. nevertheless ran pretty simple problem can't solve. please help. direct solutions or vba solutions welcome.

the case: 3 tasks need aligned. brother , sister visited me , leave individually (driving home task bro , task sis). have tea 2 of them (task tea) in time before first of 2 leaving.

----- tea (predecessor: sf sis)                         ---------- bro      -------------- sis 

here tasks ordered , scheduled well. but: in case sister leaving later brother, task tea going shifted, too. not good, brother might miss family tea. solution, thought, second sf dependency on tea task (btw: i'm not using forward deps, because in real world scenario bro , sis having more complicated dependencies , must not governed family having tea). surprise, tea shifed after adding bro-dep shown here (and sister missing tea):

        ----- tea (predecessor: sf sis, sf bro)                         ---------- bro      -------------- sis 

there easy solution this: adding summary task bro , sis , building sf dep of tea summary task. that's not applicable in case, since bro , sis tasks @ remote structures of project plan. ok, right, create milestone ahead of bro , sis, create summary task around milestone , use 1 tea deps. solution, rather complex, ugly solution simple problem. know better one?

i searching solution, every thread , explanation takes 2 tasks account in first example above, not three.

not sure understand tring achieve, sounds want both bro , sis tasks start after tea task (so both have sf dependancy on tea task) want sis , bro tasks start @ same time? if make bro predecessor of sis ss dependancy. result both occur after end of tea task start time of bro , sis aligned.

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