linux - How to make sure php has write permissions on wp dedicated server -

i have been struggling time. moved wordpress site on prq domain dedicated server. script used picture uploads. didn't folder structure of wordpress date , instead have file structure in uploads places picture in subfolder post id name. worked fine on prq domain, fails work on new server. not super knowledgeable being server admin, here have tried.

chown-ing uploads username:apache, apache:apache, nobody:apache, nobody:nobody. tried these combinations wp-content , public_html. recursively of course.

chmod-ing folders 777, 775, 755, 766.

safe-mode not running

tried using mkdir , wp_mkdir_p actions.

restarts on apache throughout make sure changes saved , made.

none of has affect.

i have seen few places people have suggested getting ahold of server host give php writing capabilites. have though dedicated server installed on? if not, there config or setting missing. see no reason why can't make new directory.

wp 3.5.1
php 5.3.3
apache/2.2.15 (centos)
linux os

check server logs, find answers there. blindly trying things doesn't out of trouble. location should /var/log/httpd/ .

also, suspect permissions not issue, way php code acts, maybe upgraded php 5.2.x , there's not working in php 5.3.x. also, turn on wp error reporting wp-config.php file(see wp_debug think called)

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