cygwin - Android NDK - Linking issue -

that's first time using android ndk , cygwin, i'm working on windows xp 32bits if thats of help.

i trying port visual studio 8 project used on windows , linux use on android platform. project quite big , has files in several folders…

when trying build ndk-build, lot of error of these kind :

d:/android-ndk-r8d-windows/android-ndk-r8d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/ndkmain/.o: in function version:jni/.cpp:75: error: undefined reference 'get_version(long*, long*, long*, long*)'

for example, here myfile.cpp

#include "../kernel/include/get_version.h"  long version (long *a,             long *b,             long *c,             long *d) {     if(get_version(a, b, c, d) == -1)         return(idp_err_pointer);    return (idp_correct); } 

get_version(long*, long*, long*, long*) defined in get_version.h header, , get_version.h header found

get_version.h :

#ifndef get_version_h_ #define get_version_h_   int get_version(long *a, long *b, long *c, long *d);  #endif //#define get_version_h_ 

get_version.cpp :

#include <stdlib.h> #include "../include/get_version.h"  int get_version(long *a, long *b, long *c, long *d) {      if (a == null){ return -1;}     if (b == null){ return -1;}     if (c == null){ return -1;}     if (d == null){ return -1;}      *a = 3;     *b = 1;     *c = 8;     *d = 2;    return (0); } 

if instead of linking header link source file #include "../kernel/source/get_version.cpp" error disappear, avoid since poor practice...

my guess compiler cannot link definition of function in get_version.cpp declaration in get_version.h, not know how force link android ndk , cygwin...

thanks help.

ps : here .mk files

local_path:=$(call my-dir) include $(clear_vars) local_module:=ndkmain local_src_files :=<myfolder>/<myfile>.cpp include $(build_shared_library)

app_stl :=stlport_shared app_abi:= armeabi-v7a 

you need:

local_src_files :=<myfolder>/<myfile>.cpp <myfolder>/path/to/get_version.cpp

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