Ruby: Getting salesforce oauth_token -

i have client_id , client_secret authenticate, need oauth_token. how token using ruby on rails? tried few option not work out.

gem used : databasedotcom

i tried below option not responding

require 'oauth'  consumer_key    = '...' # salesforce consumer_secret = '...' # salesforce  oauth_options = { :site               => '', :scheme             => :body, :request_token_path => '/_nc_external/system/security/oauth/requesttokenhandler', :authorize_path     => '/setup/secur/remoteaccessauthorizationpage.apexp', :access_token_path  => '/_nc_external/system/security/oauth/accesstokenhandler', } consumer = consumer_key, consumer_secret, oauth_options # consumer.http.set_debug_output stderr # if you're curious  request       = consumer.get_request_token authorize_url = request.authorize_url :oauth_consumer_key => consumer_key  puts "go #{authorize_url} in browser, enter verification code:" verification_code = gets.strip  access = request.get_access_token :oauth_verifier => verification_code  puts "access token:  " + access.token puts "access secret: " + access.secret 

solution: databasedotcom-oauth2 gem worked me. takes client key , secret , interact salesforce. detail given in here. click here

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