selenium webdriver - How to click a button without id using FluentAutomation SeleniumWebDriver? -

i using fluentautomation library wraps selenium web driver calls site can navigated in more behavioral manner.

as long elements have id or other distinct properties, works straightforward:;     i.waituntil(() => i.expect.exists("#name-search"));"#applicationhost a"); 

but need driver click on buttons identified following xpath expressions:

//div[@id='questions']/div/div/div[4]/label/span[2] //div[@id='questions']/div/div/div[2]/label/span[2] 

etc. @ least xpath returned selenium ide recorder. don't seem able find right way of referencing these buttons. see, difference index of 1 of divs (div[4], div[2]). there common convention refer elements such xpath?

update: here's html extract page inspector.

<div class="small-12 large-10 columns large-centered" data-bind="foreach: currentquestion.alternatives">             <div class="valg">                 <label data-bind="attr: { for: 'radio-' + $index() }" for="radio-0">                     <input type="radio" name="radio-question-40" data-bind="attr: { for: 'radio-' + $index() }, value: value" class="hidden" for="radio-0" value="1">                     <span class="enighet" data-bind="text: ($index() + 1)">1</span>                     <span class="custom radio" data-bind="click: $parent.pickanswer, css: { checked: $data.selected }"></span>                     <span class="enighet" data-bind="text: text">text option 1</span>                 </label>             </div>              <div class="valg">                 <label data-bind="attr: { for: 'radio-' + $index() }" for="radio-1">                     <input type="radio" name="radio-question-40" data-bind="attr: { for: 'radio-' + $index() }, value: value" class="hidden" for="radio-1" value="2">                     <span class="enighet" data-bind="text: ($index() + 1)">2</span>                     <span class="custom radio" data-bind="click: $parent.pickanswer, css: { checked: $data.selected }"></span>                     <span class="enighet" data-bind="text: text">text option 2</span>                 </label>             </div>          </div> 

so can suggest xpath :

btn 1 : "//div[@class='valg'][position() = 0]/label/span[2]"

btn 2 : "//div[@class='valg'][position() = 1]/label/span[2]"

or in css selector

btn 1 : "div.valg:nth-child(1) label span.enighet"

btn 2 : "div.valg:nth-child(2) label span.enighet"

but see have more div you've show. tell me what's up.

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