java - Offer foreground download to user with possible dialog -

i'm fighting usability design.

let's have application has 1 permission, android.permission.internet.

i want download image remote url (where cannot control server-side), download user can choose whether , download file.
displaying dialog process approval and/or choosing final destination.

i have considered these solutions:

  • downloadmanager using setdestinationinexternalpublicdir
    • two bugs, don't want add write_external_storage permission, , user cannot decide whether download or not
  • using intent.action_view launch browser
    • standalone display image user, not initiate download automatically
  • using intent.action_view , custom proxy script
    • server not mine, , don't want provide server-side proxy download forcing script
  • replacing http(s) ftp, , let user decide
    • does not work, images on server not available through ftp
  • providin compatibility download applications (such "download files", various "file managers", ...)

how achieve without expanding current permissions or depend on non-standard app?

linked github issue

your app downloads files , potentially writes them external storage. feel should requesting write_external_storage (which implies read_external_storage) permission, accurately represent app does.

then first solution works. need method of prompting user before making download call. or otherwise make active acceptance part of work flow.

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