bluej - Java Incompatible Types Error Arraylists -

i'm using bluej ide , whenever try compile java code gives me error: incompatible types highlighting brackets of:


why happening?

public void showcourtbookings() {  for(sport s : sportlist)  {    for(court c : s.getcourtsportarraylist() )    {      system.out.println("court: " + c.getcourt);      int i;      i=1;      for(booking b : c.getbookings())      {            system.out.println("booking: " + + "start time: " + b.gettimestart() + "end time :" + b.getendtime());          = + 1;      }    }  }   } 

this class club, contains 2 arraylists;

private arraylist<member> memberlist; private arraylist<sport> sportlist; 

the sport class has following arraylist:

private arraylist<court> courtlist = new arraylist<court>(); 

the court class has these arraylists:

private arraylist<booking> listbooking; 

hopefully can point me in right direction. thanks!

edit: code,

public arraylist getcourtsportarraylist() {   return courtlist; } 

the getcourtsportarraylist() seems method of sport class. method needs return list<court> apparently not right now.

in result method should this:

public list<court> getcourtsportarraylist() {    return courtlist; } 

side note: should specify generic type list<court> instead of arraylist<court> unless use specific implementation details of arraylist.

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