android - Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException -

in application trying display latitude , longitude of multiple points on google map coordinates stored in sqllite database. here map.class display point.

public class map extends mapactivity {     private mapview map = null;     private mylocationoverlay me = null;     list<overlay> mapoverlays;     boolean flag;      public static context context;     arraylist<article> marticles;     edittext search;    dbhelper helper;    geopoint point;    mapview mapview;    drawable marker;       @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.aproximite);          helper = dbhelper.getinstance(this);// <= data mysqllitedatabase          map = (mapview) findviewbyid(;          map.getcontroller().setcenter(getpoint(40.76793169992044, -73.98180484771729));         map.getcontroller().setzoom(17);         map.setbuiltinzoomcontrols(true);          mapoverlays = map.getoverlays();          marker = getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.icone_sur_carte);         marker.setbounds(0, 0, marker.getintrinsicwidth(),                 marker.getintrinsicheight());          map.getoverlays().add(new sitesoverlay(marker, map));//<===error occurance          me = new mylocationoverlay(this, map);         map.getoverlays().add(me);       }      @override     public void onresume() {         super.onresume();          me.enablecompass();     }      public mapview getmapview() {         return;     }      @override     public void onpause() {         super.onpause();          me.disablecompass();     }      @override     protected boolean isroutedisplayed() {         return (false);     }      @override     public boolean onkeydown(int keycode, keyevent event) {         if (keycode == keyevent.keycode_s) {             map.setsatellite(!map.issatellite());             return (true);         } else if (keycode == keyevent.keycode_z) {             map.displayzoomcontrols(true);             return (true);         }          return (super.onkeydown(keycode, event));     }      private geopoint getpoint(double lat, double lon) {         return (new geopoint((int) (lat * 1000000.0), (int) (lon * 1000000.0)));     }      private class sitesoverlay extends itemizedoverlay<overlayitem> {         private list<overlayitem> items = new arraylist<overlayitem>();         private drawable marker = null;         private overlayitem indrag = null;         private imageview dragimage = null;         private int xdragimageoffset = 0;         private int ydragimageoffset = 0;         private int xdragtouchoffset = 0;         private int ydragtouchoffset = 0;         private context c;         public int selectedindex = -1;         private final bitmap bitmap;         private view view = null;         private boolean   ispinch  =  false;           public sitesoverlay(drawable marker, mapview mapview) {             super(boundcenter(marker));             this.marker = marker;             c = mapview.getcontext();             dragimage = (imageview) findviewbyid(;             xdragimageoffset = dragimage.getdrawable().getintrinsicwidth() / 2;             ydragimageoffset = dragimage.getdrawable().getintrinsicheight();              marticles = helper.getarticleslist();              (int i=0;i<marticles.size();i++){                   double slat =double.valueof(marticles.get(i).getlatitude().tostring());                double  vlong = double.valueof(marticles.get(i).getlongitude().tostring());                 geopoint pt = new geopoint((int) (slat * 1e6), (int) (vlong * 1e6));                 log.e("lat long", "--- "+slat);                //;                  items.add(new overlayitem(pt, marticles.get(i).getnom().tostring(), "bendigo"));                 boundcenter(marker);               }              bitmap = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(getresources(),                     r.drawable.icone_sur_carte);             populate();         }          @override         protected overlayitem createitem(int i) {             return (items.get(i));         }          @override         public void draw(canvas canvas, mapview mapview, boolean shadow) {             super.draw(canvas, mapview, shadow);              boundcenterbottom(marker);         }          @override         public int size() {             return (items.size());         }          public void refresh() {             populate();         }          public void clear() {             items.clear();             resetlastfocuesindex();         }          public void resetlastfocuesindex() {             setlastfocusedindex(-1);             selectedindex = -1;         }          @override         protected boolean ontap(final int index) {               if ( ispinch ){                     return false;               }else{                  /*                     getmapview().setontouchlistener(new ontouchlistener() {                 @override                 public boolean ontouch(view arg0, motionevent arg1) {                     if (!items.isempty()) {                         if (view != null) {                             view.setvisibility(view.gone);                         getmapview().invalidate();                     }                     }                     getmapview().invalidate();                     return true;                 }             });*/              if (view != null) {                  view.setvisibility(view.gone);                 getmapview().removeview(view);                 getmapview().invalidate();                 flag = false;                 view = null;              }              view = getlayoutinflater().inflate(r.layout.balloon_overlay, null);             linearlayout layout = (linearlayout) view                     .findviewbyid(;             layout.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(layoutparams.wrap_content,                     layoutparams.wrap_content));             view.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(layoutparams.wrap_content,                     layoutparams.wrap_content));             view.setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.balloon_overlay_bg_selector);             imageview image = (imageview) view                     .findviewbyid(;             textview text = (textview) view                     .findviewbyid(;             text.settext(items.get(index).gettitle());              if (items.get(index).gettitle() != null                     && items.get(index).gettitle().equals("me") == false) {                 image.setimageresource(r.drawable.icone_sur_carte);             }              projection projection = getmapview().getprojection();             point point = new point();             projection.topixels(items.get(index).getpoint(), point);              int x = (int) (view.getwidth() / 2f);             int y = -bitmap.getheight() - 3;              mapview.layoutparams lp = new mapview.layoutparams(                     viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_content,                     viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_content, items.get(index)                             .getpoint(), x, y,                     mapview.layoutparams.bottom_center);                     getmapview().removeview(view);                     getmapview().invalidate();                     getmapview().addview(view, lp);                     getmapview().invalidate();                  view.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {                     @override                     public void onclick(view view) {                         if (!items.isempty()) {                             if (view != null) {                                 view.setvisibility(view.gone);                                 getmapview().invalidate();                                   system.out.println("selectedindex: "+selectedindex);                               }                         }                         getmapview().invalidate();                     }                 });                     selectedindex = index;                     return true;                      }         }          @override         public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent event, mapview mapview) {             final int action = event.getaction();             final int x = (int) event.getx();             final int y = (int) event.gety();             boolean result = false;              if (action == motionevent.action_down) {                 (overlayitem item : items) {                     point p = new point(0, 0);                      map.getprojection().topixels(item.getpoint(), p);                      if (hittest(item, marker, x - p.x, y - p.y)) {                         result = true;                         indrag = item;                         items.remove(indrag);                         populate();                          xdragtouchoffset = 0;                         ydragtouchoffset = 0;                          setdragimageposition(p.x, p.y);                         dragimage.setvisibility(view.visible);                          xdragtouchoffset = x - p.x;                         ydragtouchoffset = y - p.y;                         ispinch=false;                         break;                     }                 }               } else if (action == motionevent.action_move && indrag != null) {                  if (view != null) {                     if (view.getvisibility() != 0) {                         log.e("touch", " out move");                         setdragimageposition(x, y);                         result = true;                         ispinch=true;                     }else{                         setdragimageposition(x, y);                         ispinch=false;                     }                 }else{                     setdragimageposition(x, y);                     result = true;                     ispinch=true;                 }              } else if (action == motionevent.action_up && indrag != null) {                 dragimage.setvisibility(view.gone);                  geopoint pt = map.getprojection().frompixels(                         x - xdragtouchoffset, y - ydragtouchoffset);                 overlayitem todrop = new overlayitem(pt, indrag.gettitle(),                         indrag.getsnippet());                  log.e("touch", " out last" + pt.getlatitudee6());                 items.add(todrop);                 populate();                 indrag = null;                 result = true;                 ispinch = false;             }                 return (ispinch || super.ontouchevent(event,mapview));         }          private void setdragimageposition(int x, int y) {             relativelayout.layoutparams lp = (relativelayout.layoutparams) dragimage.getlayoutparams();              lp.setmargins(x - xdragimageoffset - xdragtouchoffset, y                     - ydragimageoffset - ydragtouchoffset, 0, 0);             dragimage.setlayoutparams(lp);         }     }    } 

when run code application force code , log displays following error.

05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240): fatal exception: main 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240): java.lang.runtimeexception: unable start activity componentinfo{.tabsample}: java.lang.runtimeexception: unable start activity componentinfo{}: java.lang.numberformatexception 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @$1500( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @$h.handlemessage( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ android.os.looper.loop( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @$ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240): caused by: java.lang.runtimeexception: unable start activity componentinfo{}: java.lang.numberformatexception 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ android.widget.tabhost$intentcontentstrategy.getcontentview( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ android.widget.tabhost.setcurrenttab( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ .tabsample.setproximite( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ .tabsample.oncreate( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    ... 11 more 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240): caused by: java.lang.numberformatexception 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ org.apache.harmony.luni.util.floatingpointparser.parsedblimpl(native method) 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ org.apache.harmony.luni.util.floatingpointparser.parsedouble( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ java.lang.double.parsedouble( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ java.lang.double.valueof( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @$sitesoverlay.<init>( 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    @ 05-25 14:18:38.125: e/androidruntime(11240):    ... 20 more 05-25 14:23:44.253: i/process(11240): sending signal. pid: 11240 sig: 9 

also want know how integrade background service in map.class

as in logcat:

at .tabsample.setproximite( 

here have numberformatexception - conversion string -> integer / float wrong. best way use debugger in eclipse shuld allow step through problem.

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