Matlab: read and calculate percentage of occurrence values from text files -

i have set of .txt files name: table.iterations.txt iterations = 1:10000 (so table.01.txt, table.02.txt, table.1001.txt etc, each file size lower 2kb). each txt file contains values, integers without decimals in different lines p.e.:

table.01.txt  table.02.txt ... table.1001.txt  2              5               32  5             19               37 19             45               58 52             88               62  62             89               75 95                              80 99                              88                                100    

each txt file can contain different number of values, 0<value<101.

i need on how read files find percentage of occurrence of value inside txt files. on above rough example, value 2 present 1 time, value 5 2 times, value 100 1 time etc.

thank in advance.

from comments, according this post:

dirname = 'c:\yourpath';                           %# folder path files = dir( fullfile(dirname,'table.*.txt') );    %# list *.txt files, make sure have txt's interested on inside selected path files = {}';                             %# file names data = cell(numel(files),1);                       %# store file contents i=1:numel(files)       fname = fullfile(dirname,files{i});            %# full path file     values{i}=load(fname);                         %# load values txt variable     data{i} = histc(values{i},1:100);              %# find occurences, max value =25 change 100 25 end  thestructdata=[data{:}];                           %# convert matrix j2=1:size(thestructdata,1)     occ(j2,:)=histc(thestructdata(j2,:),1);        %# find number of occurence, 1 present, on each line on txt files  end occ=[occ]';                                        %# gather results array occperce=occ(1,:)./numel(files)*100                %# results in percentage, max value = 25, change 100 if needed op question 

results (for 25 value's max value):

occ =         14    11    10    12    13    15    11    10    11    10     7    14    11    12    11    13     7    11    10    12    14    12    13    14    11   occperce =    columns 1 through 20     56.0000   44.0000   40.0000   48.0000   52.0000   60.0000   44.0000   40.0000   44.0000   40.0000   28.0000   56.0000   44.0000   48.0000   44.0000   52.0000   28.0000   44.0000   40.0000   48.0000    columns 21 through 25     56.0000   48.0000   52.0000   56.0000   44.0000 

if like, may delete txt files doing this: delete(dirname,'table.*.txt');

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