iphone - logout from facebook completely -

i have integrated facebook sdk , able login facebook. if user enabled facebook account on ios settings ask permission acces in app otherwise goes safari facebook login , come app. logout used following code:

nshttpcookie *cookie; nshttpcookiestorage *storage = [nshttpcookiestorage sharedhttpcookiestorage];  (cookie in [storage cookies]) {     nsstring* domainname = [cookie domain];     nsrange domainrange = [domainname rangeofstring:@"facebook"];     if(domainrange.length > 0)     {         [storage deletecookie:cookie];     } }    [fbsession.activesession closeandcleartokeninformation]; 

but unable logout completely. if again click login button still showing access token not moving safari facebook login again means has not logged out facebook. unable recognized issue. if know please me out.

i thankful you.

are using version 3.x of facebook sdk ios? if so, fbsession class should have method called

-[fbsession closeandcleartokeninformation] 

hopefully work you.

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