c++ - Using Namespace and Headers -

i'm working on project i've written test code in header files. i've done because i'm doing test driven development , results in large amount of complementary classes each class add: interface, test, mock etc. think i'd go crazy if had deal cpp versions of these files...

i don't add "using namespace std" start of headers because i've learned no, no. anyway, lets initialise blob object @ start of test, follows:

blob v =     boost::assign::list_of(std::pair<std::string, container >("scotland",container(boost::assign::list_of(1)(2)(3).convert_to_container<std::vector<int> >())))     (std::pair<std::string, container >("sweden",container())); 

where blob typedefed somewhere std::vector<std::pair<std::string, container > >.

how can make prettier? reason i'm using list_of make things more readable in case think makes lot more difficult read. lot better:

blob v =     list_of(pair<string, container >("scotland",container(list_of(1)(2)(3).convert_to_container<vector<int> >())))     (pair<string, container >("sweden",container())); 

but can't in header...

what might solve problem? i'm working c++98.


just idea. if renamed test headers cpp files instead?

tdd requires short edit->compilation->run cycle times. therefore should write code possible in cpp files reduce compilation time. nevertheless, solve problem using init function:

inline blob initblob() {     using namespace boost;     using namespace std;     return assign::list_of(/*...*/); }  blob v = initblob(); 

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