c# - How to select specific images and save from a particular url? (Description Inside) -

i need select , save specific images site entering url in textbox in site.

i've loaded images site url, using html agility. don't know how select , save.

for example, enter http://flipkart.com/ in text box, should load images page, assume contains 9 images, if 9 images loaded site , displayed gallery, gallery select 1 image click save. should save somewhere in site(may particular folder).

i don't know how save images site.

would give reference or ideas achieve task of saving image loaded when url given.


i googled , got below code,

public system.drawing.image downloadimagefromurl(string imageurl) {     system.drawing.image image = null;      try     {         system.net.httpwebrequest webrequest = (system.net.httpwebrequest)system.net.httpwebrequest.create(imageurl);         webrequest.allowwritestreambuffering = true;         webrequest.timeout = 30000;         system.net.webresponse webresponse = webrequest.getresponse();         system.io.stream stream = webresponse.getresponsestream();         image = system.drawing.image.fromstream(stream);         webresponse.close();     }     catch (exception ex)     {         return null;     }      return image; } 

u use code , save image of desired format.

while saving image should mention folder/destination path.

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