php - I am trying to post <div> content to database using jquery $.post() -

i want add data table using jquery $.post() method..but not updating. html:this html code

    <div id="ant-container" name="text" style="border:1px solid #cccccc;height:300px;width:80%;">     <?php if (isset($_post['submit'])&& $_post['text'] ==''){     echo parseword($myfile);     }elseif (isset($_post['text'])) { echo $_post['text'];}     </div> 

jquery:this jquery code

 var div_contents = $('#ant-container').html();     var ides = $('#id').val();     $.post("content.php", { contents:div_contents, id :ides}); 

in getting both "ides" "div_contents" php:this php code(content.php)

$div = mysql_real_escape_string($_post['contents']);  $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_post['id']);  $sql ="update `antr_essay` set `annotext`=      {$div},`grade`='$_post[grade]',`comments`='$_post[comments]' id=$id"; $update=$db->update($sql); $sql ="update `antr_essay`     set `annotext`={$div},    `grade`='$_post[grade]',     `comments`='$_post[comments]'         id=$id";    $update=$db->update($sql);       //var_dump($sql);exit; if (isset($update)){   echo  '<div align="center" class="alert alert-success">';   echo "annotation added successfully";   echo '</div>'; } header("loction:annotate.php"); 

i after submitting not redirecting content.php , table not updating. can id pls me


please check spelling of location have given in header().





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