php - How to correctly echo database results from checkbox form with submit button into table? -

hello i'm new php, mysql, , html , project i'm working on have simple database id, product, price, , condition. on html form have 4 checkboxes ranges of prices 0-25, 25-50, 50-75, , 75-100. here's example of i'm trying do: if user selects checkbox 0-25, it's supposed echo id, product, price, , condition of products cost 0-25 in table.i have checkbox values saved in array, i'm lost @ point. how can output values in database of checkbox checked.

p.s. i've heard of pdo, have use mysql project. here's html:

<form action="pricefilter.php" method="post"> <br><b>filter price:</b><br><br>  <input type="checkbox" name="pricefilter[]" id="price" value="025"/>&nbsp;$0-$25<br><br> <input type="checkbox" name="pricefilter[]" id="price" value="2550"/>&nbsp;$25-$50<br><br> <input type="checkbox" name="pricefilter[]" id="price" value="5075"/>&nbsp;$50-$75<br><br> <input type="checkbox" name="pricefilter[]" id="price" value="75100"/>&nbsp;$75-$100<br><br> <input type="checkbox" name="pricefilter[]" id="price" value="100"/>&nbsp;$75-$100<br><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /> </form> 

here php:

<?php mysql_connect ("localhost", "root","root")  or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("xuswapsample");  $pricefilter = $_get['pricefilter'];   $filteredresponse = array (); foreach($pricefilter $range) { if($range == 025)     {         $query = "select * books price <= 25";         $sql = mysql_query($query);          array_push($filteredresponse, $sql);      }      if($range == 2550)     {         $query = "select * books price >= 25 , price <=50";         $sql = mysql_query($query);          array_push($filteredresponse, $sql);     }      if($range == 5075)     {         $query = "select * books price >= 50 , price <=75";         $sql = mysql_query($query);          array_push($filteredresponse, $sql);     }       if($range == 75100)     {         $query = "select * books price >= 75 , price <=100";         $sql = mysql_query($query);          array_push($filteredresponse, $sql);     }      if($range == 100)     {         $query = "select * books price >= 100";         $sql = mysql_query($query);          array_push($filteredresponse, $sql);     } 

two things wrong in code

1) using post method submit form trying value using $_get, hence should use $_post

2) should use isset property of php check if values exist or not.

so solution try

if (isset($_post['pricefilter']) && ($_post['pricefilter']!="")) {     $pricefilter = $_post['pricefilter'];      // put remaining code here } 

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