ios cocoa: How to adjust the size of the popover depending on the number of rows in uitableview -

this related question

ios filter options similar apple store (dropdown list)

i tried using uitableviewcontroller instead of pickerview couldn't understand how use picker view if need popping out (any info on appreciated).

now did.

i have vc calls out "filtervc". have 1 filtervc called 3 different "filter buttons", , populate vc depending on button. issue is, 1 button might have 2 items needed shown, 1 might containg 50. wondering how adjust height of popovercontroller contains uitableview? also, right way in dealing popovers, 3 segues connected 1 vc??? (it needed anchor point)

here's looks like

enter image description here

enter image description here

as follow question: right way on ipad? feel people prefer uipicker. guy answered first question said it's more of design thing. since i'm no designer, user, think uitableview more appealing?

thanks time!!

in view you're showing in popover, set self.contentsizeforviewinpopover know size , before view displayed.

the main benefit of using table view on picker has scroll indicator can see how long list of options is. can control how list displayed. table view should better if fits in ui style , particularly if list of options long.

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