i need place custom knob image shadow uislider. far have image of 38x38, of there region defines shadow of knob. now while using image, when slide knob extreme ends actual knob not able cover end points, hence end points visible under transparent region of knob image this code using customize uislider uiimage *slidebtimg = [uiimage imagenamed:sliderknobimg]; [self.ratingslider setthumbimage:slidebtimg forstate:uicontrolstatenormal]; [self.ratingslider setthumbimage:slidebtimg forstate:uicontrolstatehighlighted]; how can implement custom knob shadow beneath it, covering end points?? look inside uislider.h , there methods let customize slider knob , track needed. (ios 2.0 , above) // lets subclass lay out track , thumb needed - (cgrect)minimumvalueimagerectforbounds:(cgrect)bounds; - (cgrect)maximumvalueimagerectforbounds:(cgrect)bounds; - (cgrect)trackrectforbounds:(cgrect)bounds; - (cgrect)thumbrectforbounds:(cgrect)bounds trackrect:(cgrect)rect value:...