Java PDFBox, extract data from a column of a table -

i find out how extract pdf(ex. image)

for example, want extract values ​​in column "tensione[v]" , if encounters blank cell enter letter "x" in output. how do?

the code used this:

 pddocument p=pddocument.load(new file("a.pdf"));  pdftextstripper t=new pdftextstripper();  system.out.println(t.gettext(p)); 

and output:

these guidelines. use them upon use. not tested either, solve issue. if have question let me know.

string text = t.gettext(p); string lines[] = text.split("\\r?\\n"); // give lines separated new line  string cols[] = lines[0].split("\\s+") // gives array separated whitespaces // cols[0] contains pins // clos[1] contains tensione[v] // cols[2] contains tollrenza if not present empty 

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