java - How to customize JLabel abbreviate text -

when text in label long jlabel abbreviate , add ... end. how can customized text ?

i have method abbreviate long text , dont know how can pass jlabel:

public static string abbreviatemiddle(string str, string middle, int length, int lengthsuffix) {     if (stringutils.isempty(str) || stringutils.isempty(middle)) {         return str;     }      if (length >= str.length() || length < (middle.length() + 2) || lengthsuffix > length             || str.length() < lengthsuffix || length - middle.length() < lengthsuffix) {         return str;     }      int targetsting = length - middle.length();     int endoffset = str.length() - lengthsuffix;     int startoffset = targetsting - lengthsuffix;      strbuilder builder = new strbuilder(length);     builder.append(str.substring(0, startoffset));     builder.append(middle);     builder.append(str.substring(endoffset));      return builder.tostring(); } 

as shown here, label's ui delegate adds ellipsis required in layoutcl(). resize frame se effect. can intercept result return whatever string prefer.

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