interactive facebook application Open Graph Object -

i saw @ facebook app nike run

it appears @ wall interactive graph

how can made 1 this?

i'm torn between graph api , open graph, suggest??

most of these posts coming seems use flash , embed them in post. interaction can made use of custom open graph objects, adding following meta tags on url representing open graph object

 <head prefix="og: fb:">     <meta property="fb:app_id"       content="app_id" />     <meta property="og:type"         content="game" />     <meta property="og:url"          content="" />     <meta property="og:title"        content="beat gareth's high score" />     <meta property="og:description"  content="gareth scored 2800, can beat it?" />     <meta property="og:image"        content="" />     <meta property="og:video"        content="" />     <meta property="og:video:width"  content="398" />     <meta property="og:video:height" content="299" />     <meta property="og:video:type"   content="application/x-shockwave-flash" /> 

and publishing on user's feed endpoint as

post /user_id/feed?   link=   access_token=user_access_token 

for more detailed on how check this.

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