Calculate Number of days between two dates excluding sundays and an array of holidays in Javascript -
how calculate business days between 2 dates in javascript.
date 1 : 04-25-2013 date 2 : 05-10-2013 holidays : ["04-27-2013","05-03-2013"]
i want total number of days excluding holidays if exists between these 2 dates , excluding sundays if any.
i have tried can't able holidays array.
diff=enddate-startdate; var holidays=new array("04-28-2013","05-22-2013","06-28-2013"); idx_holidays=0; num_holidays=0; while(idx_holidays < holidays.length) { holiday=new date(holidays[idx_holidays]); if(diff>holiday-startdate) num_holidays++; idx_holidays++; }