- Hyperlink not displayed properly -

i want display data on page dynamically database.

i have added news box , displaying events list in repeater database. hyperlink , marquee used. hyperlink not displayed properly.

the code given below:

<asp:hyperlink id = "hyperlink1" runat = "server" navigateurl = "/events/events.aspx?id=<%#eval('event_id') %>">  <asp:label id = "label1" runat = "server" text = '<%# eval("event_title") %>' ></asp:label></asp:hyperlink><br/> 

change code

  <asp:hyperlink     id="hyperlink1" runat=server     navigateurl='<%# databinder.eval(container.dataitem, "event_id", "/events/events.aspx?id={0}")   %>'>     <%# databinder.eval(container.dataitem, "event_title") %>'   </asp:hyperlink> 

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