php - Facebook CurlException 3 No URL set -

i getting

facebookapiexception object (

[result:protected] => array

( [error_code] => 3 [error] => array ( [message] => no url set! [type] => curlexception )

    )  [message:protected] => no url set! [string:private] =>  [code:protected] => 3 [file:protected] => /home5/theteci0/public_html/team/fb6/base_facebook.php [line:protected] => 979 [trace:private] => array     (         [0] => array             (                 [file] => /home5/theteci0/public_html/team/fb6/base_facebook.php                 [line] => 911                 [function] => makerequest                 [class] => basefacebook                 [type] => ->                 [args] => array                     (                         [0] =>                         [1] => array                             (                                 [fields] => updated_time                                 [method] =>                                 [access_token] => /*acc_tkn*/                             )                      )              )          [1] => array             (                 [file] => /home5/theteci0/public_html/team/fb6/base_facebook.php                 [line] => 878                 [function] => _oauthrequest                 [class] => basefacebook                 [type] => ->                 [args] => array                     (                         [0] =>                         [1] => array                             (                                 [fields] => updated_time                                 [method] =>                             )                      )              )          [2] => array             (                 [file] => /home5/theteci0/public_html/team/fb6/base_facebook.php                 [line] => 656                 [function] => _graph                 [class] => basefacebook                 [type] => ->                 [args] => array                     (                         [0] => /172535322883581_253291878141258                         [1] =>                         [2] => array                             (                                 [fields] => updated_time                             )                      )              )          [3] => array             (                 [file] => /home5/theteci0/public_html/team/user/comments.php                 [line] => 71                 [function] => api                 [class] => basefacebook                 [type] => ->                 [args] => array                     (                         [0] => array                             (                                 [0] => facebook object                                     (                                         [appid:protected] =>                                          [appsecret:protected] =>                                          [user:protected] =>                                          [signedrequest:protected] =>                                          [state:protected] =>                                          [accesstoken:protected] => /*acc_tkn*/                                         [fileuploadsupport:protected] =>                                          [trustforwarded:protected] =>                                      )                                  [1] => _graph                             )                          [1] => array                             (                                 [0] => /172535322883581_253291878141258                                 [1] =>                                 [2] => array                                     (                                         [fields] => updated_time                                     )                              )                      )              )      )  ) 

i getting error lot, how prevent or solve it?

by problems ipv6 should have included following line in facebook api.

facebook::$curl_opts[curlopt_ipresolve] = curl_ipresolve_v4; 

however alternative works version 5.3 of php largest , curl version > 7.10.8


if((phpversion()>= 5.3)){ facebook::$curl_opts[curlopt_ipresolve] = curl_ipresolve_v4; } 

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