Jquery UI Dialog button gets executed without clicking -

i calling jquery ui dialog success function of ajax call. code dialog -

    $.ajax({           'url': "../../controller/myclass.cfc",           'data':{               method: "generatequote",               'quoteitems':quoteitems,               returnformat: "json"           },           success: function(data){              $("#place_of_loading_image").hide();              newquoteid = data.tostring();                 //new quote confirmation popup                  $( "#newquoteaddedalert" ).dialog({                     autoopen: false,                     resize: 'auto',                     width: 'auto',                     modal: true,                     closeonescape: false,                     closetext: "close" ,                     position: "center top",                     buttons: [{                         text:"continue", click: function(){                             $("#newquoteaddedalert").dialog("close");                         }},                         {text:"finish",click: function(){                                $("#newquoteaddedalert").dialog("close");                             //alert("shutup");                             location.reload();                          }                     }]                  });                //showconfirmationalert(newquoteid);            },error: function( objrequest, strerror ){         }      }); 

my problem location.reload() inside finish button function gets called dialog loads. want executed once user has clicked finish button.

what wrong doing?

why don't try define dialog in $(document).ready block instead of in success method? in case need open dialog in success method this:

$( "#newquoteaddedalert" ).dialog('open'); 

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