jquery - My cookie gets reset after clicking button -

i have joomla site , using rsform component create multi-page form. saving input field values in cookie before form submitted in case user decides can't finish filling out form. if user returns have function take cookie , loop through form , populate form fields values stored in cookie. can create , read cookie can't repopulate form. here flow.

  1. user goes website , website checks if have cookie stored on machine if not gets created.
  2. the cookie gets populated when user clicks button go next form view @ time take form , create json stringify serialized array , pass cookie stored.

but noticed cookie not populated values until 3 form views deep. example if fill in first 2 textareas , click next button next form view, in console see cookie key pairs values empty. if fill in next textarea , click next button can see value first 2 textareas in console not textarea filled out. hope guys can understand trying say. have been @ weeks , can't figure out appreciated. here link form http://hearwithyourheartusa.com/index.php/share-your-story. maybe easier see trying rather trying understand typed out.

edit here code using set , cookie , code should populate form values of ccokie. have jsfiddle refuses set cookie here link if want give shot http://jsfiddle.net/uqj4x/

function createcookie(name,value,days) {     var expires = "";     if (days) {         var date = new date();         date.settime(date.gettime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));         var expires = "; expires="+date.togmtstring();     }     document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; }  function readcookie(name) {     var nameeq = name + "=";     var ca = document.cookie.split(';');     for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {         var c = ca[i];         while (c.charat(0)===' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);         if (c.indexof(nameeq) === 0) return c.substring(nameeq.length,c.length);     }     return null; }  function string2form($form, serializedstr) {     var fields = json.parse(serializedstr);     (var = 0; < fields.length; i++) {         var controlname = fields[i].name;         var controlvalue = fields[i].value;              $form.find("[name='+ controlname +']").attr('value',controlvalue);         //document.getelementsbyname(controlname).value = controlvalue;         //console.log('field name='+controlname+' field value='+controlvalue);     }         console.log('form values - '+json.stringify(jquery('#userform').serializearray()));         var cookie = readcookie('storycookie');         console.log('the cookie values '+cookie); }       jquery('#userform input:button').click(function() {     // jquery.ajax({         // cache: false,         // type: 'post',         // url: 'http://hearwithyourheartusa.com/templates/jsn_boot_pro/customphp/ajaxcookie.php',         // data: json.stringify(jquery('#userform').serializearray()),         // contenttype:"application/json; charset=utf-8",         // datatype: 'json',         // success: function(data){             // alert(data);         // }     // });     console.log(id);     createcookie('storycookie',json.stringify(jquery('#userform').serializearray()),365);     var cookie = readcookie('storycookie');     console.log('the cookie '+cookie); }); 

i tried filling in form it's not setting cookies. couldn't find code saves cookies (it should in rsfp_changepage, right?)

anyhow, did set cookie expiration time in future?

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