sql server - How can I make a stored procedure commit immediately? -

edit questions no longer valid issue else. please see explanation below in answer.

i'm not sure of etiquette i'l leave question in its' current state

i have stored procedure writes data table.

i'm using microsoft practices enterprise library making stored procedure call. invoke stored procedure using call executenonquery.

after executenonquery returns invoke 3rd party library. calls me on separate thread in 100 ms.

i invoke stored procedure pull data had written. in 99% of cases data returned. once in while returns no rows( ie can't find data). if put conditional break point detect condition in debugger , manually rerun stored procedure returns data.

this makes me believe writing stored procedure working not committing when called.

i'm novice when comes sql, entirely possible i'm doing wrong. have thought writing stored procedure block until contents committed db.

writing stored procedure

 alter procedure [dbo].[spwrite]      @guid varchar(50),         @data varchar(50)         begin     -- set nocount on added prevent result sets     -- interfering select statements.     set nocount on;  -- see if guid has been added table declare @foundguid varchar(50); select @foundguid = [guid] [dbo].[details] [guid] = @guid;      if @foundguid null     -- first time we've seen guid     insert [dbo].[details] ( [guid], data ) values (@guid, @data) else     -- updaeting or verifying order     update [dbo].[details]  set data =@data [guid] = @guid end   set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go 

reading stored procedure

alter procedure [dbo].[spread]  @guid varchar(50)    begin -- set nocount on added prevent result sets -- interfering select statements. set nocount on;  select * [dbo].[details] [guid] = @guid;  end  

to block other transactions , manually commit, maybe adding

begin transaction --place --transactions wish here  --if okay commit transaction --or --rollback transaction if went wrong 

could you?

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