php - Symfony2 structure setup -

im new symfony2, understand bundle, entity etc.

but problem structure.

i created local virtualservers development , can't start until dont know im doing , how work.

so current documentroot is: http://mysite.localhost/ -> /var/www/mysite

i installed symfony this

/var/www/mysite - app - bin - src - vendor - web

may need generate bundle "index page" or need use app.php/ ?

i mean page starts http://mysite.localhost/

what need do? need generate bundles? im confused.

thank much

best regards, krisztian

for first, replies!

now modified adviced guys. when write browser http://mysite.localhost/ http://mysite.localhost/app.php/ 404 error. doesn't matter directoryindex app.php or app_dev.php pointing app.php.

is normal? if is, how can link bundle main page or that?

here sites-available/mysite file

<virtualhost *:80> servername mysite.localhost serveralias mysite serveradmin documentroot /var/www/mysite/web/ directoryindex app_dev.php adddefaultcharset utf-8 addcharset iso-8859-2  .iso8859-2  .latin2 .cen errorlog /var/www/mysite/mysite.error_log customlog /var/www/mysite/mysite.access_log combined  hostnamelookups off usecanonicalname off  scriptalias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/mysite/cgi-bin/" <directory "/var/www/mysite/cgi-bin">     allowoverride none     options +execcgi -includes     order allow,deny     allow </directory> <directory "/var/www/mysite/web">     options indexes followsymlinks multiviews     allowoverride     order allow,deny     allow </directory> </virtualhost> 

just change web server settings. apache example:

  • documentroot should point /var/www/mysite/web
  • should 1 of directoryindex values

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