c++ custom string format using stringstreams -

i trying use new stringstreams method convert float+int combination format trying see if there better way handle this:

now using //string string = static_cast( &(ostringstream() << number) )->str(); kind of mode - how can stored string form of format - "1.10(3)". precision equal decimals. catch here none of these values constants. if solution can't in-line function or stringstreams - it's fine long it's generic enough. note in end plan use string gdi text string.

thanks in advance - if 1 can help.

here current sample code(and looking alternate efficient way done):

string convert(float number,int decimals) { std::ostringstream buff; buff<<setprecision(decimals)<<fixed<<number; return buff.str(); }   float f=1.1;     // can have values 1,1.5 or 1.52 int decimals=2;  //dynamic number - calculated other means - not fixed number int i=3;         // dynamic number - calculated other means  string s=convert(f,decimals)+"("+convert(i,0)+")";  // output - 1.10(3) 

you can use std::fixed, std::setprecision, std::setw , std::setfill defined in <iomanip> :

float f=1.1;   int decimals=2; int i=3; ostringstream ss; ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(decimals) << f << '(' << << ')'; string str = ss.str(); 

which outputs :


you can configure stringstream , keep configuration :

ostringstream ss; ss.precision(5); ss.setf(std::ios::fixed); 


you can still in 1 line if really want :

string str = ((ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << fixed << setprecision(decimals) << f << '(' << << ')')).str(); 

if want lpcwstr (const wchar_t *) instead of lpcstr (const char*) should use wstringstream instead of stringstream.

ostringstream ss; string str = ss.str(); lpcstr* c_str = str.c_str();  wostringstream wss; wstring wstr = wss.str(); lpcwstr* wc_str = wstr.c_str(); 

if want lpctstr (lpcstr or lpcwstr if unicode defined), can use typedef :

typedef std::basic_string<tchar> tstring; typedef std::basic_ostringstream<tchar , std::char_traits<tchar> > tstringstream;  tostringstream tss; tstring tstr = tss.str(); lpctstr* tc_str = tstr.c_str(); 

tchar char * if unicode not defined in project , wchar_t * if unicode defined.

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