mongodb - $slice implemented in the php driver? -

my question if 1 can use '$slice' update() , $push in mongodb.

i tried this: (with , without casting (object)

$db->collection->update(      array('_id' => new mongoid($id)),        (object)array( '$push' =>            array('thumbs' => array(                '$each' => $items,                 '$slice' => -5 )))); 

but thing happens mongo adding whole second array in update() collection. get

thumbs: [ { "$each" : ... 

thanks in advance!

you running mongodb pre 2.4.

mongodb 2.4 introduced $slice, , previous $push operator did not support $each operator.

when mongodb encounters unrecognised operators (i.e. in mongodb 2.2) $push believe keys want use , treat other data.

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