iphone - Why does my UIScrollView not work? -

i have placed uiscrollview in viewcontroller in ib , gave view tag:1. in viewdidload:, have code:

uiscrollview *scrollview = (id)[self.view viewwithtag:1];  scrollview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor]; scrollview.opaque = no;  [scrollview setscrollenabled:yes]; [scrollview setcontentsize:cgsizemake(320, 800)]; 

i have slider , label in scrollview see if scrolls, doesn't scroll @ all. change backgroundcolor example yellowcolor, doesn't scroll. there method or action have add? please help! :)


uiscrollview *scrollview = (id)[self.view viewwithtag:1]; scrollview.frame=cgrectmake(0, 0, 320, 460); [self.view addsubview:scrollview]; scrollview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor]; scrollview.opaque = no; [scrollview setscrollenabled:yes]; [scrollview setcontentsize:cgsizemake(320, 800)];  

because when scroll view height cross current view height scrollable.

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