In ASP.Net (C#), HTML Table does not have 'COLUMN' attribute, what to do? -

basically doing html table csv export in c#, needed count of rows & columns

i count of rows table1.rows.count, cannot count of columns table1.columns.count.

any ideas how number of columns ?

    stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();      (int = 0; < table1.rows.count; i++)      {       (int k = 0; k < **table1.column.count**; k++)        {               //adding separator               sb.append(table1.rows[i].cells[k].text + ',');         }           //appending new line             sb.append("\r\n");      } 

tables.rows[i].cells.count give total number of cells in row. columns, may change cell(column) spanning different.

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