excel - VBA looking for error values in a specific column -

sub macro9() dim lreturnvalue boolean  lreturnvalue = iserror(sheets("lookup addition").range("a:a").value)  if lreturnvalue = false     = msgbox("there no errors", vbokonly) else     = msgbox("there errors", vbokonly) end if  end sub 

i little confused iserror(customfunction()) syntax should be. how tell check every cell in the range?

counting errors in range doesn't require looping (which can slow if range large) or vba.

just add worksheet function cell somewhere. if don't want user see cell, can hide row/column/sheet.


if still want pop-up box user, vba be:

sub counterr()        msgbox "there " & activesheet.range("b1").value & " errors"   end sub 

make sense?

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