c# - Asp:Menu not working as expected in IE 6 . but working Fine in IE 7 and above -

below in menu control code in aspx page

<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: black; height: 30px; ">         <tr style="background-color: black; height: 30px;">             <td  style="background-color: black; width: 100%; height: 30px;">             <div style="height:30px">                 <asp:menu id="navigationmenu" runat="server" enableviewstate="false" renderingmode="default" cssclass="menu" forecolor="white"                     includestyleblock="false" orientation="horizontal" height="30px" onmenuitemclick="navigationmenu_menuitemclick" >                     <staticmenuitemstyle cssclass="menuitem" />                     <dynamicmenuitemstyle cssclass="menuitem" />                     <items>                         <asp:menuitem navigateurl="~/home.aspx" text="home" tooltip="home page" />                         <asp:menuitem navigateurl="~/commonuser.aspx" text="create / edit user access" tooltip="provide access users" />                         <asp:menuitem navigateurl="~/bulkupload.aspx" text="bulk upload" tooltip="to bulk upload users " />                         <asp:menuitem navigateurl="~/searchuser.aspx" text="view / revoke user access" tooltip="view existing users access" />                          <asp:menuitem text="admin" navigateurl="javascript:void(0);">                             <asp:menuitem navigateurl="javascript:void(0);" text="user" tooltip="create / edit user application">                                 <asp:menuitem text="create user" navigateurl="~/adminuser.aspx" />                                 <asp:menuitem text="edit user" navigateurl="~/editadminuser.aspx" />                             </asp:menuitem>                             <asp:menuitem text="template" navigateurl="javascript:void(0);">                                 <asp:menuitem text="create template" />                                 <asp:menuitem text="edit template" />                             </asp:menuitem>                             <asp:menuitem navigateurl="javascript:void(0);" text="server" tooltip="add / edit server details">                                 <asp:menuitem text="add server" navigateurl="~/addservers.aspx" />                                 <asp:menuitem text="edit server" navigateurl="~/editserver.aspx" />                             </asp:menuitem>                             <asp:menuitem navigateurl="~/createconstring.aspx" text="environment password" tooltip="change password connection string" />                         </asp:menuitem>                      </items>                 </asp:menu>                 </div>             </td>         </tr>     </table> 

i have 2 issues

  1. i unable select sub-menus. getting displayed not able select.it. once move mouse on sub-menu sub-menu disappears
  2. the menu moves left of screen on maximizing window. on mouse on event menu aligns properly

below code if view in ie view source

<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: black; height: 30px; ">         <tr style="background-color: black; height: 30px;">             <td  style="background-color: black; width: 100%; height: 30px;">             <div style="height:30px">                 <a href="#navigationmenu_skiplink"><img alt="skip navigation links" src="/facetsusersetupapp/webresource.axd?d=e02kdpxufvqc2nurhjgfka2&amp;t=634836496018543211" width="0" height="0" style="border-width:0px;" /></a><div class="menu" id="navigationmenu">     <ul class="level1">         <li><a title="home page" class="level1 menuitem" href="home.aspx">home</a></li><li><a title="provide access users" class="level1 menuitem" href="commonuser.aspx">create / edit user access</a></li><li><a title="to bulk upload users " class="level1 menuitem" href="bulkupload.aspx">bulk upload</a></li><li><a title="view existing users access" class="level1 menuitem" href="searchuser.aspx">view / revoke user access</a></li><li><a class="popout level1 menuitem" href="javascript:void(0);">admin</a><ul class="level2">             <li><a title="create / edit user application" class="popout level2 menuitem" href="javascript:void(0);">user</a><ul class="level3">                 <li><a class="level3 menuitem" href="adminuser.aspx">create user</a></li><li><a class="level3 menuitem" href="editadminuser.aspx">edit user</a></li>             </ul></li><li><a class="popout level2 menuitem" href="javascript:void(0);">template</a><ul class="level3">                 <li><a class="level3 menuitem" href="#" onclick="__dopostback(&#39;ctl00$navigationmenu&#39;,&#39;admin\\template\\create template&#39;)">create template</a></li><li><a class="level3 menuitem" href="#" onclick="__dopostback(&#39;ctl00$navigationmenu&#39;,&#39;admin\\template\\edit template&#39;)">edit template</a></li>             </ul></li><li><a title="add / edit server details" class="popout level2 menuitem" href="javascript:void(0);">server</a><ul class="level3">                 <li><a class="level3 menuitem" href="addservers.aspx">add server</a></li><li><a class="level3 menuitem" href="editserver.aspx">edit server</a></li>             </ul></li><li><a title="change password connection string" class="level2 menuitem" href="createconstring.aspx">environment password</a></li>         </ul></li>     </ul> </div><a id="navigationmenu_skiplink"></a>                 </div>             </td>         </tr>     </table> 

i not sure of how use renderingcompatibility property control. can 1 please me on declaring same menu control

with every version of asp.net, control might output different html. usually, hasn't been big of problem, , asp.net versions seem have worked ie6. ie6 dominant browser when asp.net 1 , 1.1 launched, , when asp.net 2 released.

but now, asp.net 4, microsoft have modernized html, more in line current standards (less tables, more div, ul, li, etc). makes sense, popular browsers support these tags nice layouts. internet explorer, having moved away ie6.

this creates backwards compatibility problem if you're site still has support ie6, need or want asp.net 4 features (like lot on company intranet websites). microsoft introduced controlrenderingcompatibilityversion property web.config , renderingcompatibility property controls.

i'd give go. set renderingcompatibility property of menu version 3.5 , see how makes difference.

there case made drop support ie6. if client still uses ie6, how long last? security, speed, support , other implications, there compelling reasons upgrade browser.

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