java - Bean scope not working -

the code shows want create loginbean that's sessions scoped. i'll show applicationcontext , service , dao because there may configuration error in them.

i noticed beans processed application scoped. (ran project , logged in , showed username on header. opened browser, went localhost , username filled in..)

anyone got idea?


package be.neoria.swissknife.bean; import be.neoria.swissknife.model.consultant; import be.neoria.swissknife.model.klant; import be.neoria.swissknife.model.project; import be.neoria.swissknife.model.taak; import be.neoria.swissknife.service.loginservice; import be.neoria.swissknife.service.projectservice; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.notempty; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired;  import javax.faces.bean.managedproperty;  import javax.inject.named; import; import java.util.calendar; import; import javax.enterprise.context.sessionscoped;  /**  * created intellij idea. user: greg date: 27/03/13 time: 15:48 change  * template use file | settings | file templates.  */  @named @sessionscoped public class loginbean implements serializable {  private final string failure = "failure"; private final string success = "success"; @notempty(message = "enter username") private string gebruikersnaam; @notempty(message = "enter password") private string paswoord; private project project; private klant costumer; private taak taak; private consultant consultant; private taak task; private klant customer; private boolean isingelogd; private date today; @managedproperty(value = "#{loginservice}") @autowired loginservice loginservice; @managedproperty(value = "#{projectservice}") @autowired projectservice projectservice;  public loginbean() {         }  public klant getcustomer() {     return customer; }  public void setcustomer(klant customer) {     this.customer = customer; }  public project getproject() {     return project; }  public void setproject(project project) {     this.project = project; }  public taak gettask() {     return task; }  public void settask(taak task) {     this.task = task; }  public string getgebruikersnaam() {     return gebruikersnaam; }  public void setgebruikersnaam(string gebruikersnaam) {     this.gebruikersnaam = gebruikersnaam; }  public taak gettaak() {     return taak; }  public void settaak(taak taak) {     this.taak = taak; }  public string getpaswoord() {     return paswoord; }  public void setpaswoord(string paswoord) {     this.paswoord = paswoord; }  public consultant getconsultant() {     return consultant; }  public void setconsultant(consultant consultant) {     this.consultant = consultant; }  public boolean isingelogd() {     return isingelogd; }  public void setingelogd(boolean ingelogd) {     isingelogd = ingelogd; }  public klant getcostumer() {     return costumer; }  public void setcostumer(klant costumer) {     this.costumer = costumer; }  public string loginconsultant() {     consultant = loginservice.loginconsultant(gebruikersnaam, paswoord);      if (consultant == null) {         return failure;     } else {         isingelogd = true;         return success;     } } 


package be.neoria.swissknife.service; import be.neoria.swissknife.model.consultant;  /**  * created intellij idea.  * user: greg  * date: 29/03/13  * time: 12:09  * change template use file | settings | file templates.  */ public interface loginservice {     public consultant loginconsultant(string username, string password); } 

loginservice implementation:

package be.neoria.swissknife.service;  import be.neoria.swissknife.dao.consultantdao; import be.neoria.swissknife.model.consultant; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.transactional;  /**  * created intellij idea.  * user: greg  * date: 29/03/13  * time: 12:10  * change template use file | settings | file templates.  */ @transactional @service("loginservice") public class loginserviceimpl implements loginservice {  @autowired consultantdao consultantdao;  @override public consultant loginconsultant(string username, string password) {     consultant consultant = consultantdao.getconsultantbyname(username);     if (consultant.getpaswoord().equals(password)) {         return consultant;     } else {         return null;     }  } 


    package be.neoria.swissknife.dao;  import be.neoria.swissknife.model.adres; import be.neoria.swissknife.model.consultant; import java.util.list;  /**  * created intellij idea. user: greg date: 29/03/13 time: 12:18 change  * template use file | settings | file templates.  */ public interface consultantdao {      public consultant getconsultantbyname(string name); } 


package be.neoria.swissknife.dao;   import be.neoria.swissknife.model.adres; import be.neoria.swissknife.model.consultant; import java.util.list; import org.hibernate.query; import org.hibernate.sessionfactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.repository;  /**  * created intellij idea.  * user: greg  * date: 29/03/13  * time: 12:18  * change template use file | settings | file templates.  */ @repository public class consultantdaoimpl implements consultantdao {  @autowired private sessionfactory sessionfactory;  @override public consultant getconsultantbyname(string name) {     query query = sessionfactory.getcurrentsession().createquery("from consultant naam=:name");     query.setparameter("name", name);      return (consultant) query.uniqueresult();      }  } 

applicationcontext.xml (in web-inf), reffered in web.xml file

<beans xmlns=""    xmlns:xsi=""    xmlns:tx=""    xmlns:context=""    xmlns:sec=""    xsi:schemalocation="                         ">  <context:component-scan base-package="be.neoria.swissknife.service"/> <context:component-scan base-package="be.neoria.swissknife.dao"/> <context:component-scan base-package="be.neoria.swissknife.model"/> <context:component-scan base-package="be.neoria.swissknife.bean"/> <context:component-scan base-package="be.neoria.swissknife.util"/>  <context:annotation-config/>    <bean id="datasource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.basicdatasource">     <property name="driverclassname" value="com.mysql.jdbc.driver"/>     <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/swissknife"/>     <property name="username" value="swissknife"/>     <property name="password" value="swissknife"/>  </bean>   <bean id="sessionfactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.localsessionfactorybean">     <property name="datasource" ref="datasource"/>     <property name="hibernateproperties">         <props>             <prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.mysqldialect</prop>             <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">false</prop>             <prop key="">update</prop>         </props>     </property>     <property name="packagestoscan">         <list>             <value>be.neoria.swissknife.model</value>             <value>be.neoria.swissknife.service</value>             <value>be.neoria.swissknife.dao</value>             <value>be.neoria.swissknife.model</value>         </list>     </property> </bean>  <bean id="transactionmanager" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.hibernatetransactionmanager">     <property name="sessionfactory" ref="sessionfactory"/> </bean>  <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionmanager"/>  <bean id="messagesource" class="">     <property name="basename" value="classpath:messages"/> </bean>  <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.cookielocaleresolver" id="localeresolver" /> </beans> 


@component @scope(value = "request")  

instead of @sessionscoped

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