ember.js - Does an event handled in a child view bubbles up to the parent's one? -

if event triggered on child view, handled not in child in parent?

this ember view test:

test("event manager should able re-dispatch events view", function() {    var receivedevent=0;   view = ember.containerview.createwithmixins({     elementid: 'containerview',      eventmanager: ember.object.create({       mousedown: function(evt, view) {         // re-dispatch event when it.         //         // second parameter tells dispatcher         // event has been handled.         // api need reworked since         // multiple eventmanagers in single view         // hierarchy break, shows         // re-dispatching works         view.$().trigger('mousedown',this);       }     }),      childviews: ['child'],      child: ember.view.extend({       elementid: 'nestedview',        mousedown: function(evt) {         receivedevent++;       }     }),      mousedown: function(evt) {       receivedevent++;     }   });    ember.run(function() { view.append(); });    ember.$('#nestedview').trigger('mousedown');   equal(receivedevent, 2, "event should go manager , not view"); }); 

my question is: why receivedevent 2, not 1? what's order of event handling? shouldn't child view stop event propagation?

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