sql - Not able to get the stored procedure's result in variable? -

i have hierarchy of stored procedures calling 1 in below:

1  2   3 

now doing is: first of showing 3rd level sp least level.

create proc [dbo].[proc_tbluserschedulenewupdateonly]  (       @scheduleid bigint=258,                             @contactid uniqueidentifier='ede3e474-02ca-49c7-86dd-aa97794ecf8a',                                      @scheduledate datetime= '2012-07-16 00:00:00.000',                                     @starttime varchar(20)='12:03:00.0000000',                                     @endtime varchar(20)='15:00:00.0000000',                                     @location bigint=8,                                     @area bigint=7,                                     @room bigint=9,                         @enddate datetime='2012-07-16 00:00:00.000',                     @currenttime datetime='2012-07-16 12:00:35.900',       @modifiedby uniqueidentifier='0bf84a77-fac2-44e5-af9b-39740415dbd2',                   @schedulefileidnew bigint=''          )             declare @schedulefileid bigint       if @schedulefileidnew=0                  begin                    set @schedulefileid=null                  end                 else                  begin                 set @schedulefileid=@schedulefileidnew                 end        update tbluserschedulenew   set contactid=@contactid,       scheduledate =@scheduledate,       starttime = @starttime,       endtime =@endtime,       location =@location,       area=@area,       room =@room,       lastmodifieddate=@currenttime ,enddate=@enddate,       modifiedby=@modifiedby,       schedulefileid=@schedulefileid       scheduleid=@scheduleid , isdeleted=0 , isactive=1       select 1   

now second level :

create proc [dbo].[proc_tbluserschedulenewfutureupdate] (           @startdatepassed datetime='8/2/2012 12:00:00 am',        @enddatepassed datetime='8/2/2012 12:00:00 am', --='2012-07-11 00:00:00.000',           @starttimepassed varchar(20)='13:00:00',--='02:00:00.0000000',           @endtimepassed varchar(20)='21:00:00',--='03:00:00.0000000',           @currentdatetime datetime ='8/1/2012 5:50:31 am', --='2012-07-11 02:07:35.900'           @scheduleid bigint=0x0000000000000166,           @contactid uniqueidentifier='77680636-bc4b-4489-9cec-3bc000ffe773',           @location bigint=11,           @area bigint=10,           @room bigint=11,           @modifiedby uniqueidentifier='acf7961c-4111-49ad-a66a-ce7f9ce131bd',           @schedulefileidnew bigint=null          )             declare @resultforinsertupdate varchar(200);   if convert(date,@startdatepassed,101)>convert(date,@currentdatetime,101) ,      convert(date,@enddatepassed,101)>convert(date,@currentdatetime,101) ,  convert(date,@enddatepassed,101)>convert(date,@startdatepassed,101)              begin -- run when start date , end date passed greater current date , enddate greater start date.           print 'update'           exec @resultforinsertupdate =  dbo.proc_tbluserschedulenewupdateonly @scheduleid,@contactid,@startdatepassed,@starttimepassed,@endtimepassed,@location,@area,@room,@enddatepassed,@currentdatetime,@modifiedby,@schedulefileidnew           select @resultforinsertupdate;     end           else begin select 2 end 

now 3rd , final level

alter proc proc_tbluserschedulenewupdatewithallroomsoption ( @startdatepassed datetime='2013-04-29 00:00:00.000', @enddatepassed datetime='2013-04-29 00:00:00.000', @starttimepassed varchar(20)='15:00:00', @endtimepassed varchar(20)='20:00:00', @currentdatetime datetime ='2013-04-25 00:00:00.000', @scheduleid bigint=1, @contactid uniqueidentifier='fd3e0ddf-8b91-493f-94df-b8280ac33bc0', @location bigint=17, @area bigint=0, @room bigint=0, @modifiedby uniqueidentifier='acf7961c-4111-49ad-a66a-ce7f9ce131bd', @schedulefileidnew bigint=null, @oldstartdate datetime='2013-04-26 00:00:00.000', @oldenddate datetime='2013-04-26 00:00:00.000', @oldstarttime varchar(20)='11:11:11.0000000', @oldendtime varchar(20)='22:22:22.0000000', @oldcontactid uniqueidentifier='da101c1d-45a1-4f9a-b19b-4e88dde01b10', @oldlocation bigint=18, @oldarea bigint=17, @oldroom bigint=22 ) -- declare variables starts here        declare @row_count int;         declare @intflag int=0;       declare @locationidforloop bigint  ;       declare @areaidforloop bigint  ;       declare @roomidforloop bigint  ;    declare @resultforinsertupdate int       set @resultforinsertupdate=1; -- declare tempraroy table store location, area , rooms starts here       create table  #temptable (       rownum int,         locationid bigint, areaid bigint, roomid bigint ) -- declare tempraroy table store location, area , rooms ends here if @area=0 , @room=0 begin insert #temptable (rownum,locationid,areaid,roomid) (select row_number() on  (order locationid desc) rownum, locationid,areaid,roomid tblroomnew areaid in(select areaid tblareanew locationid=@location)) set @row_count=(select count(*) #temptable) set @intflag = 1 while (@intflag <=@row_count) begin -- ever want here set @locationidforloop=(select locationid #temptable rownum=@intflag) set @areaidforloop=(select areaid #temptable rownum=@intflag) set @roomidforloop=(select roomid #temptable rownum=@intflag) if @resultforinsertupdate=1 begin if exists(select 1 tbluserschedulenew  convert(datetime,scheduledate,101)=convert(datetime,@oldstartdate,101) , convert(datetime,enddate,101)=convert(datetime,@oldenddate,101) ,  convert(time,starttime,108)=convert(time,@oldstarttime,108) , convert(time,endtime,108) =convert(time,@oldendtime,108) , contactid=@oldcontactid  , location=@oldlocation , area=@oldarea , room=@oldroom ) begin print 'update first record' exec @resultforinsertupdate = proc_tbluserschedulenewfutureupdate @startdatepassed,@enddatepassed,@starttimepassed,@endtimepassed,@currentdatetime,@scheduleid,@contactid, @locationidforloop,@areaidforloop,@roomidforloop,@modifiedby,@schedulefileidnew --set @resultforinsertupdate=1 print @resultforinsertupdate --select @resultforinsertupdate end else begin print 'insert karna hai record' exec  proc_tbluserschedulenewlatestinsert @contactid,@startdatepassed,@starttimepassed,@endtimepassed, @locationidforloop,@areaidforloop,@roomidforloop, @enddatepassed,@modifiedby,0,@currentdatetime --print @resultforinsertupdate end end else begin select @resultforinsertupdate end set @intflag = @intflag + 1 end end else begin if @area!=0 , @room=0 begin insert #temptable (rownum,locationid,areaid,roomid) (select row_number() on (order locationid desc) rownum, locationid,areaid,roomid tblroomnew areaid =@area) set @row_count=(select count(*) #temptable) end else begin print 'chalan jo chal reha' exec proc_tbluserschedulenewfutureupdate @startdatepassed,@enddatepassed,@starttimepassed,@endtimepassed,@currentdatetime,@scheduleid,@contactid,  @location,@area,@room,@modifiedby,@schedulefileidnew --print 'simple update' end end 

now problem:

i selecting 1 result in 3rd level stored in "@resultforinsertupdate" in second level , in 3rd level again..

i getting 0 in @resultforinsertupdate dont know why, please me resolve prob

possible helpful -


create procedure [dbo].[proc_tbluserschedulenewupdateonly] (       @scheduleid bigint     , @contactid uniqueidentifier     , @scheduledate datetime     , @starttime varchar(20)     , @endtime varchar(20)     , @location bigint     , @area bigint     , @room bigint     , @enddate datetime     , @currenttime datetime     , @modifiedby uniqueidentifier     , @schedulefileidnew bigint ) begin      update dbo.tbluserschedulenew     set                contactid = @contactid          , scheduledate = @scheduledate          , starttime = @starttime          , endtime = @endtime          , location = @location          , area = @area          , room = @room          , lastmodifieddate = @currenttime          , enddate = @enddate          , modifiedby = @modifiedby          , schedulefileid = nullif(@schedulefileidnew, 0)     scheduleid = @scheduleid          , isdeleted = 0         , isactive = 1      return 1  end 


create procedure [dbo].[proc_tbluserschedulenewfutureupdate]  (       @startdatepassed datetime     , @enddatepassed datetime     , @starttimepassed varchar(20)     , @endtimepassed varchar(20)     , @currentdatetime datetime     , @scheduleid bigint     , @contactid uniqueidentifier     , @location bigint     , @area bigint     , @room bigint     , @modifiedby uniqueidentifier     , @schedulefileidnew bigint ) begin      if            convert(date, @startdatepassed, 101) > convert(date, @currentdatetime, 101)          ,           convert(date, @enddatepassed, 101) > convert(date, @currentdatetime, 101)          ,           convert(date, @enddatepassed, 101) > convert(date, @startdatepassed, 101)      begin              declare @resultforinsertupdate varchar(200)          exec @resultforinsertupdate = dbo.proc_tbluserschedulenewupdateonly                  @scheduleid             ,   @contactid             ,   @startdatepassed             ,   @starttimepassed             ,   @endtimepassed             ,   @location             ,   @area             ,   @room             ,   @enddatepassed             ,   @currentdatetime             ,   @modifiedby             ,   @schedulefileidnew          return @resultforinsertupdate      end     else begin          return 2      end  end 


create procedure proc_tbluserschedulenewupdatewithallroomsoption  (     @startdatepassed datetime,     @enddatepassed datetime,     @starttimepassed varchar(20),     @endtimepassed varchar(20),     @currentdatetime datetime,     @scheduleid bigint,     @contactid uniqueidentifier,     @location bigint,     @area bigint,     @room bigint,     @modifiedby uniqueidentifier,     @schedulefileidnew bigint,     @oldstartdate datetime,     @oldenddate datetime,     @oldstarttime varchar(20),     @oldendtime varchar(20),     @oldcontactid uniqueidentifier,     @oldlocation bigint,     @oldarea bigint,     @oldroom bigint ) begin      declare            @row_count int         , @intflag int = 0         , @locationidforloop bigint         , @areaidforloop bigint         , @roomidforloop bigint         , @resultforinsertupdate int = 1      create table #temptable (rownum int, locationid bigint, areaid bigint, roomid bigint)      if @area = 0 , @room = 0 begin          insert #temptable (rownum, locationid, areaid, roomid)         select                 row_number() on (order locationid desc) rownum             ,   locationid             ,   areaid             ,   roomid         dbo.tblroomnew         a.areaid in (             select b.areaid             dbo.tblareanew b             b.locationid = @location         )          select                @row_count = count(1)              , @intflag = 1         #temptable          while (@intflag <= @row_count) begin              select                    @locationidforloop = locationid                 , @areaidforloop = areaid                 , @roomidforloop = roomid             #temptable             rownum=@intflag              if @resultforinsertupdate = 1 begin                 if exists (                     select 1                     dbo.tbluserschedulenew                                              convert(datetime,scheduledate,101)=convert(datetime,@oldstartdate,101) ,                         convert(datetime,enddate,101)=convert(datetime,@oldenddate,101) ,                         convert(time,starttime,108)=convert(time,@oldstarttime,108) ,                         convert(time,endtime,108)=convert(time,@oldendtime,108) , contactid=@oldcontactid                         , location=@oldlocation                          , area=@oldarea                          , room=@oldroom                 )                 begin                      print 'update first record'                     exec @resultforinsertupdate=proc_tbluserschedulenewfutureupdate                              @startdatepassed                         ,   @enddatepassed                         ,   @starttimepassed                         ,   @endtimepassed                         ,   @currentdatetime                         ,   @scheduleid                         ,   @contactid                         ,   @locationidforloop                         ,   @areaidforloop                         ,   @roomidforloop                         ,   @modifiedby                         ,   @schedulefileidnew                      return @resultforinsertupdate                  end                 else                 begin                      exec proc_tbluserschedulenewlatestinsert                                 @contactid                         ,   @startdatepassed                         ,   @starttimepassed                         ,   @endtimepassed                         ,   @locationidforloop                         ,   @areaidforloop                         ,   @roomidforloop                         ,   @enddatepassed                         ,   @modifiedby                         ,   0                         ,   @currentdatetime                  end             end             else begin                  return @resultforinsertupdate              end             select @intflag = @intflag + 1         end     end     else     begin         if @area != 0 , @room = 0 begin              insert #temptable (rownum, locationid, areaid, roomid)             select                     row_number() on (order locationid desc) rownum                 ,   locationid                 ,   areaid                 ,   roomid             dbo.tblroomnew              select @row_count = count(1)             #temptable          end         else begin              exec dbo.proc_tbluserschedulenewfutureupdate                          @startdatepassed                     ,   @enddatepassed                     ,   @starttimepassed                     ,   @endtimepassed                     ,   @currentdatetime                     ,   @scheduleid                     ,   @contactid                     ,   @location                     ,   @area                     ,   @room                     ,   @modifiedby                     ,   @schedulefileidnew         end      end  end 

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