c# - Stop executing code when return null on Page_load -

i have page has few properties in .cs, properties later on used in .aspx instance:


public string person { get;set; } 


<a href="<%= person.website %> >my website</a> 

the problem here if person null, framework still try run .aspx , end throwing null-exception.. , if make simple check in page_load

if(person == null) return

it still try execute .aspx, again throw exception

so.. question is.. there anyway prevent .aspx getting loaded if persons null

if(person == null)  //dont run aspx,code  response.write("something went wrong!"); 

thanks in advance!

first, can write code :

<a href="<%= person != null? person.website : null %> >my website</a> 

but results in producing unclickable link. propably not desired, isn't it?

but such requirements far more easier fulfill using databinding. asp.net has been design mimic windows forms behavior. doing here, "legacy" asp code-style, writing in html stream. there case when it's legitimate, it's not usual.

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