vb.net - make button wait for user input before continuing -

i’ve gotten spot of trouble , cant figure way out

i’m trying click button , user type input in textboxs, 7 , 8, reuse textboxes 7 , 8 next 2 values, , once done line drawn…

    private sub button4_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles button4.click     dim mypen new system.drawing.pen(system.drawing.color.red)     dim formgraphics system.drawing.graphics      dim x1 integer     dim y1 integer     dim x2 integer     dim y2 integer      x1 = textbox7.text     y1 = textbox8.text      'clears textbox values...     textbox7.text = ""     textbox8.text = ""      'set focus textbox7...     textbox7.focus()      x2 = textbox7.text     y2 = textbox8.text      formgraphics = me.creategraphics()     formgraphics.drawline(mypen, x1, y1, x2, y2)     mypen.dispose()     formgraphics.dispose() end sub 

at current textbox's need filled first before button clicked, want otherway around..

dose know how this?

ussing vb.net...

do want handle textbox textchanged event whenever text in textboxes changed check if completes criteria?


you'll need break code several different subroutines

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