spawn - Running / spawning commands vs files in c# -

i can in c# following:

var pspawn = new process      {          startinfo = { workingdirectory = @"c:\temp", filename = filetorun, createnowindow = true }      };      pspawn.start(); 

and works fine.... wondering if there way run command (ie: "dir /b") without having encapsulate in batch file?

just start cmd.exe , pass arguments required

 var pspawn = new process  {      startinfo =       {           workingdirectory = @"c:\temp",           filename = "cmd.exe",           arguments ="/k dir /b" }  };   pspawn.start(); 

i have added parameter /k leave command window open so, possible see output of command dir.
of course think interested catch output of command.
in case work this:

stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); var pspawn = new process {      startinfo =       {          workingdirectory = @"c:\temp",          filename = "cmd.exe",          arguments ="/c dir /b",          createnowindow = true,         redirectstandardoutput = true,         redirectstandardinput = true,         useshellexecute = false      } };  pspawn.outputdatareceived += (sender, args) => sb.appendline(; pspawn.start(); pspawn.beginoutputreadline(); pspawn.waitforexit(); console.writeline(sb.tostring()); 

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