iphone - how to push and pop a view through appdelegate to specific place -
this question exact duplicate of:
i have problem in pop view. pop done when on view popped view buttons action disabled can please me. how can pop , push view specific place in ios. have 5 view controller.
1 view -> 2 view -> 3 view -> 4 view -> 5 view
and want pop 5 view 2 view through appdelegate?
- (ibaction)btnaddquotes:(id)sender { libraryvc *obj =[[libraryvc alloc]initwithnibname:@"libraryvc" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationcontroller poptoviewcontroller:obj animated:yes]; }
if index fixed 2 can
-(void)gotospecificcontroller { uiviewcontroller *destcontroller = (uiviewcontroller*)[self.navigationcontroller.viewcontrollers objectatindex:2]; [self.navigationcontroller poptoviewcontroller:destcontroller animated:yes]; }
or can calculate index of destination controller , replace @ objectatindex
write code on button click this, write above function in appdelegate , declare appropriately.
-(ibaction)buttonclicked:(id)sender { appdelegate *appdelegate = (appdelegate*)[[uiapplication sharedapplication] delegate]; [appdelegate gotospecificcontroller]; }