perl - How to interpolate hash element via reference returned by a method into a string? -

i want interpolate hash reference string, method not working. how 1 interpolate $self->test->{text} ?

# $self->test->{text} contains "test 123 ok" print "value is: $self->test->{text} \n";   # not working 



method calls won't interpolated inside double quotes, end stringified reference followed ->test->{text}.

the simple way take advantage of fact print takes list of arguments:

print "value is: ", $self->test->{text}, "\n"; 

you use concatenation:

print "value is: " . $self->test->{text} . "\n"; 

you use tried-and-true printf

printf "value %s\n", $self->test->{text}; 

or can use silly trick:

print "value is: @{ [ $self->test->{text} ] }\n"; 

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