deserialization - Deserializing the xml document is changing the value of node in the xml -

i have xml , update treeview based on text in xml. sample xml:

<taskseverity></taskseverity> <taskcategory></taskcategory> <tasktitle></tasktitle> <taskmessage></taskmessage> <taskcode></taskcode> <taskname>sql_mapping_companies</taskname> <schema>client</schema> <!-- schema required field --> <mapping>companies</mapping> <!-- mapping required field --> <cachedb>false</cachedb> <!-- cachedb optional field. default value false --> <deletetablebeforeexecute>true</deletetablebeforeexecute> <!-- deletetablebeforeexecute optional field. default value false --> 

now have method that.

public void updatetreeview(xmldocument xdoc)       {          xmltreeviewadv.nodes.clear();          _nodetotaskdictionary.clear();          if (xdoc == null)             return;          treenodeadv rootnode = new treenodeadv(;          if (rootnode.text.equals("dmttask") && xdoc.documentelement != null)          {             foreach (xmlattribute attribute in xdoc.documentelement.attributes)             {                if ("xsi:type"))                {                   rootnode.text = attribute.value;                }             }          }       xmltreeviewadv.nodes.add(rootnode);         rootnode.font = new font(rootnode.font, fontstyle.bold);  _nodetotaskdictionary.add(rootnode, dmttasktoolbox.fromxml(xdoc)); //this particular line deserialization part.  } 

// _nodetotaskdictionary

 public dictionary<treenodeadv, dmttask> _nodetotaskdictionary = new dictionary<treenodeadv, dmttask>();  //where treenodeadv treeview (syncfusion) , dmttask abstract class  public static class dmttasktoolbox    {       public static dmttask fromxml(xmldocument xdoc)       {          dmttask t = dmttask.dmtxmlserializer.deserialize(new xmlnodereader(xdoc)) dmttask;           // above line executed value of last node deletetablebeforeexecute innertext changing false. not understand reason          if (t == null)             throw new exception("unable convert specific xml document dmttask");          return t;       }    } 

public static xmlserializer dmtxmlserializer = new xmlserializer(typeof(dmttask), dmttasktypes);

based on value of node deleting entire records table , insert new records. returning false.

this see after deserialization

<taskseverity></taskseverity> <taskcategory></taskcategory> <tasktitle></tasktitle> <taskmessage></taskmessage> <taskcode></taskcode> <taskname>sql_mapping_companies</taskname> <schema>client</schema> <!-- schema required field --> <mapping>companies</mapping> <!-- mapping required field --> <cachedb>false</cachedb> <!-- cachedb optional field. default value false --> <deletetablebeforeexecute>false</deletetablebeforeexecute> <!-- deletetablebeforeexecute optional field. default value false --> 

any appreciated

the issue public variable defined in abstract class deletetablebeforeexectue different spelling of tag deletetablebeforeexecute defined in xmldocument trying deserialize.

when serializing classes xml, each public property , field value transformed xml element. name of element matches name of property. xmlelement attribute allows names , formatting of xml tags modified

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