c++ char comparison to see if a string is fits our needs -

i want work if chars of string variable tablolar not contain char small letters between a-z , ','. suggest?

if string tablolar is;

"tablo"->it ok

"tablo,tablobir,tabloiki,tablouc"->it ok

"ta"->it ok

but if is;

"tablo2"->not ok

"ta546465"->not ok

"tablo"->not ok

"tablo,234,tablobir"->not ok

"tablo^%&!)=(,tablouc"-> not ok

what tried wrog;

    for(int z=0;z<tablolar.size();z++){     if ((tablolar[z] == ',') || (tablolar[z] >= 'a' && tablolar[z] <= 'z')) {//do work here}} 

tablolar.find_first_not_of("abcdefghijknmopqrstuvwxyz,") return position of first invalid character, or std::string::npos if string ok.

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